Thursday, January 20, 2011

Photography Friday

Last week I talked about how you can create a recognizable "brand" to your shop by using a unique color to your background, a few select recognizable models and/or specializing in a few select items. If you missed this and would like to read it HERE is the link. 

Anyone can take a photo of a What's-it but creating an image of a What's-it that is interesting and draws people in is completely another story. There are some techniques you can draw upon that will add that extra  touch that will help your customer base grow. 


Vintage Flexo GMI Drafting Desk Lamp by: Lisa B Retro Style

A still life takes this from an image of a light to a STORY of a person who has been reading under this lamp and has taken off their glasses and stepped away for something. It only takes a few extra minutes to add plants, flowers, books or other interesting items to create a still life that shows viewers what this would look like in their house. The added effort shows and gives the customer confidence that this shop owner has attention to detail and will treat them in the same manner. 


Vintage 1960s Brown Wool Tweed Day Dress with Matching Tweed and Knit Cropped Bolero Jacket by: Pineapple Mint

Making your first image a split one gives the customer the ability to see multiple perspectives of an outfit. In this example we can see a close up of the color and pattern next to an overall view. This is a great technique for giving more information quickly. People often scan through a page of items for sale and this gives you two images for the price of one. Doubling your photographic benefit is a great technique to use for clothing. 


Vintage Electric Smith Corona Electra 120 Gray By: Sarah Anntiques

Angeling your item rather than using a straight forward image is often much more visually interesting.  This draws the eye into the image rather than "plopping" it in front of you.  Compare the above angled image which Sarah used for her first image compared to the straight on one.

Both  show a really cool typewriter but the first one  has more depth and interest to it.  Certainly use straight images in your remaining photos but consider using one on an angle for you  primary choice. 


Vintage Ingrid Red Picnic Ball with Nesting Dishes By:  Rutabaga Six

The tight crop of the above picnic ball creates intrigue by only illuminating part of the item leaving the customer wanting more and drawing them in to click. When I see only a part of this item the first thing I think is "what a fabulous red!" the second thing I think is "what is that?" Sometimes only giving part of the story is better, a teaser. If you have an item with a unique color, pattern  or shape consider using a cropped image that only shows part of your item as your first image. 

Take a look at your images and consider using some of these techniques in the future to create more dynamic photos! This will help draw people in which will in turn translate to more sales! 

Ask your team friends to critique your images. We all have areas we can improve and our team is a great support system for this! 

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